


What is Diagnose?

During the Diagnose phase, the team uses the qualitative and quantitative data collected during the Clarify phase to identify factors that may be causing the problem. The team then draws on behavioral science research to develop hypotheses about the behavioral reasons for the barriers or drop-off points. Understanding key concepts from research in behavioral science and how the concepts influence people’s decisions and actions is a key aspect of Diagnosis.

Key Activities

During Diagnosis, CABS collaborates with the partner to gain a deeper understanding of why the problem is occurring from a behavioral perspective. Together, CABS and the partner will conduct several activities to diagnose the problem and answer the following questions:

  • Identify the Process and User
    Who is the at the focus of your diagnosis, and what process(es) do they go through?
  • Draw a Map
    What decisions do users need to make throughout a process? What are the hypothesized behavioral barriers at each step in the process?
  • Review Qualitative and Quantitative Data
    What have we learned from hearing the perspective of stakeholders through focus groups and interviews? How can the quantitative data be used to inform our qualitative data?
  • Perform a Cohort Analysis
    Who is in the starting cohort being analyzed? Based on the quantitative data, where are the biggest drop-offs occurring throughout the process?

What Does It Mean to Reimagine a Process?

Engaging in a “reimagining a process” exercise can help an organization critically examine a current process and take action to make it more centered around needs of the people it aims to serve. Learn how to reimagine a current organizational process, and use our downloadable worksheet to put your ideas into action.